Sunday, September 18, 2005

Why Men are slobs

Men are not born slobs. In fact, till around the age of 12-13, men and women are equally clean. Then, unfortunately, puberty hits. No matter how hard men try to be clean, its like someone planted a weed on their body. You shave in the morning, and at 5 o'clock - its back again!
After months of struggle, men realize that resistance is futile. Nature intended them to be this way. There's simply no fighting it! They give in.

You may be wondering - doesn't puberty hit women too? Then why is it that they aren't slobs?
The answer to this lies in the sheer ingenuity of women. A long time ago, they held a secret conference to solve this very problem. The result - the beauty parlour.

The sheer simplicity and beauty [pun intended] of this invention is to be marvelled at. It allows a woman to be clean, and also allows them a private haven where they can discuss future courses of action.

Men, however, never came up with such an invention (for explanations, read the previous post.)
Of late, however, some men have managed to create a pseudo beauty parlour concept of their own. However, these are a minority group and are generally regarded as androgynous by the male community.

If food was the reason marriage was created, beauty parlours are the reason why they fail.
This development of pseudo beauty parlours is more common in developed countries rather than developing countries. Unfortunately, when men invade this female bastion, they see things that they should not see. This aggrieves the female of the species to such an extent, that they are forced to break the food contra......sorry, "marriage".

It is now obvious why the divorce rates are much higher in developed countries rather than developing countries.


So, the reality we have to live with, is this. If food is the raison d'etre of marriage, then the slobiness of man is what keeps it going. The moment men enter beauty parlours, they risk losing their source of edible food. Hence, if society as we know it has to survive, men need to continue remaining slobbish, or learn how to cook (yeah, right!).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have been doing some bit of thinking...and introspection!!

10:15 AM  
Blogger . said...

You obviously have a li'l too much free time on your hands :p

and yes, I see the spam commenters have struck here too!

7:49 AM  
Blogger V said...

uve gone nutters.

and yea enable visual word verification to stop spammers

8:24 PM  

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