Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Enthusiasm - it's fantastic, isn't it? What you can do when you are motivated to do it. It's infectious. The effect on a group of people is evident - they get inspired to do new things, or to do simple things differently.

Think of any group dynamic you've had - you probably were driven by the enthusiastic person - the one who would, for some inexplicable reason, decide to do something because it could be done, leave aside how much sense it made at the time. These people were probably the ones who ended up dragging you to new experiences, they made life interesting. Somehow, you could never quite seem to figure out how or why they did what they did - but you were glad they did it al the same.

It's kind of hard to understand people who aren't enthusiastic. People who you know will never say "Yes, let's do it!" Their expected response is always "No!" These people are never fun to hang around with - to put it simply, they are killjoys. It's not like they'll have anything to do themselves, it's just that they don't want to do whatever it is you want to do. Ordinarily, this would be put down to having different interests, but when they do it repeatedly without an apparent reason, you wonder why they even exist?

Self enthusiasm - the enthusiasm that does not serve to infect a group of people, is nothing but vanity, fear or cowardice - a self centredness that will never do any good.

Being enthusiastic can be difficult, it can be tiring. There are fewer unpardonable things than repeatedly destroying the vivacity of an enthusiastic person. Enthusiastic people are pretty amazing! They're the kind of people you never want to not be around - when you reach that stage, you know you are a pretty enthusiastic person yourself!

So, here's to the enthusiastic people - people who'll never give up trying something new; people who'll never stop trying to make others start something new; people who'll amplify any small idea you have until it seems the best idea in the world, and, by doing so, will crush any negativity left in you! May you live long and prosper!


Blogger Sumo said...

Sigh! Enthusiasm...enthusiastic ppl. I have vague memories of being around them at some point of time.

12:43 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Gimme an instance of a 'self-enthu' person... Couldn't quite imagine one...!

2:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lemme guess....ur an enthu person? why the sudden inspiration to write abt enthu ppl anyways?

5:47 AM  
Blogger incognito said...

Nice blog Bharat, liked reading it:)

7:05 AM  
Blogger iyer-the-gr8 said...

Whats the enthusiasm behind this post?

8:11 AM  
Blogger Pratik Jagad said...

"Being enthusiastic can be difficult, it can be tiring" - not true....cause enthusiasm carries with it a kind of tirelessness...because its effortless. If its tiring and difficult then its unnatural and thereby doesnt quailify as enthusiasm. Its more of an act. Enthusiasm is a state of mind and not an act.

8:15 AM  
Blogger Nenlos said...

Good one. I guess everyone can relate to it at some level.
Also, to sustain one's enthusiasm, it's important to have other enthusiastic people around, even if they are only moderately so.
I don't know if it's possible to be enthusiastic despite being constantly dogged by cynicism.

10:00 AM  
Blogger Sumo said...

Vishy's lessons are over! Blogged!!!

11:57 AM  
Blogger Saumil Mehta said...

hey BJ!!how is it going.
Did not know you could write

Anyway are you going to be around in Xmas, I am meeting up with Harsh and Safir in SFO. Would love to meet you - its been a long time


3:40 PM  

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