Saturday, October 01, 2005

The Evolution of Technology

Evolution is a marvellous thing. You really appreciate this, especially if you deal with computers. For those who came in late, this is how the story goes: Billions of years ago, in the 1940s, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, people developed electronic computers. Then appeared the PC with its command line interface. A big, black screen with little white characters - very un-user friendly. Then came Mr. Bill Gates who popularised the concept of the Graphic User Interface. Everybody loved this. It made the computer accessible to the masses. So, what would be the next logical step? Something better than GUI, something to make work easier? No! Why? Because that would make sense!

There were people in low places who decided that the nerds would have their revenge! How dare humanity rob us of our rights as a geek! Sacrilege! Unfortunately, these people also had power. They probably had worse hair styles than Mr. Gates, but I digress by talking about things which are not directly related to the issue on hand. That, by the way is called procrastination.

So, these people with bad hair styles decided that they would convince the world that they must return to the command line interface and also that this was a good thing! Somehow, they succeeded, at least on the professional front.

Therefore, today we have to use the Linux command line interface. The work which we could have accomplished in 1 hour with GUI, we accomplish in 8 hours, and the loss of a saturday. However, remember, this is a good thing. You have more control over what you do. You have more instructions to play around with. Many more ways in which you can screw up, so that these people with the bad hairstyles can laugh esoterically as you scour the internet trying to look for solutions for questions which people have been asking for years.

This is good for the economy, so these people can get better hairstyles. However, that's not going to happen anytime soon, because of the problem with beauty parlours (see earlier post)

Evolution is a marvellous thing!


Blogger V said...

looks like one dinosaur is still roaming around

8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think thats the only time i've heard the word 'Procrastination' being used (apart from that saying, ofcourse - procrastination is the thief of time - something that was hell to act out during dumb charades)

8:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... dinosaur still roaming around....

8:00 AM  
Blogger Nenlos said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

11:04 PM  
Blogger Nenlos said...

Evolution: The Revenge of the Nerds
Evolution 2: Beauty Parlours

Releasing at at a blog near you!

also... =)) "looks like one dinosaur is still roaming around"


11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

your blackscreen-white character un-user friendly shitty tool was none other than the (??remarkably stable) MICROSOFT DOS. so mr.bad-hair-lifetime was not quite the saviour in disGUIse.
btw, his life is quite interesting if you ever read about it somewhere.

1:43 PM  

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