Wednesday, November 30, 2005

20 bits of wisdom

After all this while, have made quite a few discoveries at Tech. Here they are:

discoveries at GaTech

1. Sleep: whassat?
2. Good Food : whassat?
3. Girls: the complaint seems to be the same in every Engg. Institution - not enough, or not hot enough. The only difference between SPCE and Tech is that tech's got a song about this. (If I have a daughter, I'll send her to tech to increase the ratio!). My PoV still remains the same as it was in SPCE - there are enough. You just ain't searchin hard enough.
4. at 2 a.m. - The best way to wake yourself up is a blast of "Sweet Child o' Mine"
5. Kindergarten education: the only worthwhile education. The rest is crap.
- and that's where we fail. Surprising how many people here don't know basic courtesy.
6. 45: That's the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything. Douglas Adams was off by 3.
7. a Life: What other people have
8. Friends & Family : Not a new discovery, but reinforced time and again - they're the DNA of your existence
9. "Football": Very, very, very, very, very addictive!
10. Windows: much reviled
11. Linux: Much Loved
12. Solaris: Disgusting. It may have the features, but it's gotta look pretty too!
13. Apple: DROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quite simply, the best of the lot! It's just like being a kid!
14. The Lab : A place where time has no meaning
15. Weather: Bombay's got the best weather on da planet!
16. Classes: Great time to catch up on lost sleep
17. Car: not a luxury, but a necessity in this country
18. Management: It's always the way to go
19. Technology: Nice, but perishable and not people driven enough
20. E-mail and chat: Quite simply put, the best thing to have been invented - ever!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Management Fart

Yup, that pretty much sums up management. Just all fart. Had a lecture on strategy today. I don't think I've ever been clinically dead in this country before! Whoever said that if your strategy can't fit on the back of a business card, it won't work - was a genius! Seriously, how damn hard is it to make up a dumb strategy anyway? All you gotta decide is which person amongst the many you interact with you wanna screw. That's it. "Value Chain", "value propositioning" sheesh - fancy words to fill up a powerpoint slide. And couple that with the picture of a "dressed down" Greek statue with a smiley in the appropriate place that was part of the powerpoint slide, and you start wondering what the hell you're doing here!

I've said it before, and i'll say it again, and i'll probably say it till the cows come home (which , in my case is a ticket to the slammer, cos I don't own either a cow or a home) Formal education is an absolute, total and utter waste of time, money and a whole lotta trees!