Sunday, May 07, 2006

Lab rats

OK. So, I'm back. Why? Don't know. After months of frustrating hours in a lab, one gets to observe a rather weird variety of creatures there:

1) Annoying, loud desi undergrads - Yeah, people who have to discuss on the phone everything from their personal life, what they're doing this saturday night, yadda yadda yadda

2) Annoying loud desi undergrads with fake Amroo accents

"So, what's up dawg?" "you done with that assignment man?" After a while, it gets to you. Annoyingly, the women are even more annoying than the guys.

3) Annoying loud desi undergrads with fake amroo accents and a limited vocabulary -

"What the f*** man. Shit, I thought the interconnect was f**** supposed to be f*** here. f*** man, I'm so f***n screwed. You mean that's not the way you do that f*** thing? F*** dude...." etc etc etc. It's marvellous how deep and rich the English language can be. I'm sure a budding Shakespeare is in our midst.

4) Weird Oriental people -

They're there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Playing video games all throughout. And of course, the mega oversized headphones. Perhaps it is of these people that Frost was referring to when he said - "I do not know if he was walling in or walling out."

There is a rumor that both of them are the same person. But that is yet to be confirmed.

5) The corridor pacers

People who do not actually work in the lab, but pace around the corridor, talking on phones incessantly.

6) The Linux lab VLSI folks -

"Draw once, compile 25 times" seems to be their motto. All they seem to do is sit on the SUN computers all day, draw one, small colored line, and watch the compilation run for a few minutes, before starting again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's sad you can't mimic the undergrad accent here - I am sure you have some interesting opinion on that too! Reserve it for our next phone conversation maybe? :))

5:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Willkommen back.
Undergrad accents aren't exclusive to the US. Step into South Bombay and you find a truckload of wannabes.

11:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

noticed u started spelling col"o"r differently.welcome back.

8:29 PM  

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