Sunday, May 07, 2006

This is texas

Overheard a rather interesting conversation last week:

Person A: "Say, that Colorado river which runs through Austin, is that the same one which carves out the Grand Canyon?"

Person B: "Yeah, I guess so"

Person A: "Then why do they call it a Lake in Austin."

Person B: "Because it is a Lake"

Person A: "I stayed in a hotel overlooking it. Looked like a river to me."

Person B: (momentarily lost for words). "Wait a minute, you're from Boston, aren't you?"

Person A: "Yes."

Person B: "Well, this is Texas, things are different here."

And that, folks sums up what it's all about. This is texas, so everything's bigger here. This is texas. That's the reason for everything. That's the Great State of texas.


Blogger Lakshmi said...

Have a good time, Bharat. I think you'll like Austin.

10:36 AM  
Blogger SS said...

No Wonder Dubya is so dumb! he actually sounds intelligent now!

2:51 AM  

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